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Elm Leaf Beetle

Specialists in Elm Leaf Beetle Control

Elm Leaf Beetle Maintenance has been operating since 2006 providing professional advice and treatment of Elm Leaf Beetles together with a range of other tree pests and diseases. Our Qualified Technicians have been involved in Elm Leaf Beetle control since 1998, operate throughout Victoria and southern NSW and have current Commercial Operators Licences (COL) issued by DEPI.

Our clients include private residential and commercial properties, retirement villages, caravan parks, public and private schools, Parks Victoria and some rural properties.

We are fully insured with a $10,000,000 Public Liability Policy.

Our aim is to provide high quality solutions for your Elms that are affected by Elm Leaf Beetles and in delivering affordable outcomes.

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About Elm Leaf Beetles

Elm Leaf Beetle
(Xanthogaleruca luteola)

It is estimated that there are at least 70,000 Elms in Victoria. They are located throughout parks, public and private gardens, schools, and along many city and rural streets with the oldest being over 140 years old.

Elm Leaf Beetles in Australia were first found on the Mornington Peninsula south of Melbourne in 1989. Since then they have been identified throughout Victoria, southern NSW and more recently in Tasmania, South Australia and Canberra.

Elm Leaf Beetles generally only feed on Elms of European and American origin such as English Elms, Dutch Elms, Weeping Elms, Horizontal Elms, Golden Elms and Variegated Elms. Very occasionally they will attack Japanese Zelcovas and Chinese Elms.

Due to the Elm Leaf Beetle, leaves that are attacked die and give Elms a general brown colour. Repeated infestations will weaken the Elms and make them prone to branch dieback as well as other insect and fungal problems.


Life Cycle and Identification of Elm Leaf Beetles

In Winter the beetles hibernate as adults in sheltered places such as under the roofs of houses and other dry areas.

Adult beetles are yellow to olive green and have a dark stripe down the centre of their back. Each beetle is approximately 6mm in length.

Adult beetle

As the weather warms in Spring the beetles start to become active. The beetles then fly to Elms which have started to get leaves and they begin to feed. This feeding produces small holes (known as shot holes) in the leaves.

Shot hole

After feeding the adult beetles lay a double row of yellow eggs on the underside of the leaf. This generation of adult beetles then die.

Beetle eggs

After 7-10 days the eggs hatch and small black larvae emerge. Feeding begins immediately which leads to the leaf becoming skeletonised. The larvae go through three stages called instars and each instar eats more than the previous one. The larvae reach a length of 12mm.


At this stage (generally December) the larvae migrate down the trunk and turn into pupae around the base of the trunk or in crevices in the trunk.


After 7-12 days new beetles emerge from the pupae and they fly back to Elms to continue the breeding cycle.

There are generally two cycles per year in southern Victoria and 2-3 cycles per year in northern Victoria and southern NSW.

With the onset of cooler Autumn weather in March/April the adult beetles move back into hibernation.

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Treating Elm Trees

Control of Elm Leaf Beetles

Elm Leaf Beetle Maintenance utilises Stem (Trunk) Injections for the control Elm Leaf Beetles. This treatment will also control Fruit Tree Borer if present in the Elm.

The Stem Injection method is the most environmentally friendly method of control and also the most effective.

Children and pets are safe around treated Elms.

Stem injections can be applied at any time of the year although the optimum time is from June – October prior to the emergence of the new leaves.

Small injectors are placed into the sap stream of trees by means of small drill holes. The size of the tree determines the number of injectors. The injectors are removed after 15-30 minutes.

Stem injections allow for the correct amount of pesticide to be applied to each tree. As the pesticide is sealed within the tree there is a low risk of chemical contamination.


There are no residues to contaminate streams and groundwater.

There is no risk of leaching during periods of high rainfall.

There is no risk to earthworms and soil microflora.


Stem Injections will give 3 years of control and are covered by a 2 year guarantee. Retreatment of Elms is recommended after 3 years. All treatments are recorded and a reminder letter will be sent out after 3 years.

The cost of treatment is determined by the size of the tree. Discounts apply in situations where there are multiple trees and also for neighbour's trees if treated at the same time.

Prices start at $143 (GST inclusive) for a tree of 100mm trunk diameter.

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Organise a Quote or Book a Treatment

Contact Elm Leaf Beetles Maintenance

If you would like to request a quote or enquire about a treatment, please call 0407 352 305 or email info@elmleafbeetle.com.au.

Other Services

Oaks – Control of Aphids
Lilly Pillies – Control of Psyllids and Scale
Cypress Canker – Control of Cypress Canker (Seridium sp)

Tree Pruning/Removals

While Elm Leaf Beetle Maintenance does not do Tree Pruning or Removals we do recommend that you contact ArborCraft Tree Services on 9913 5195.